Inside: A fun list of of cute baby shower themed free svg files to use for baby gifts and baby showers. A fun onesie to use for a baby shower guest book idea as well.
I love the day every month when I get to share another list of free svg files. This month we have put together a fun group of cute baby themed free svg files. These are perfect for baby gift, baby shower or to make for your own kids. SO many fun ideas! My contribution is this cute baby shower guest onesie.. have everyone sign a onesie for the baby rather than a guest book.

signature onesie for baby shower gift and guest book –
Find all our other monthly free svg lists here.
My design for this month is a cute I AM LOVED onesie. You can put this on any item really… not just a baby onesie, but I also thought it would make a cute guest book signature idea as well. Have baby shower guests sign the I AM LOVED onesie at the baby shower.
And here is the onesie with signatures. This would make a fun decor item for baby’s room. Or have them wear it! Frame it, wear it, enjoy it!
You can download my I AM LOVED files by clicking the button below. It will download a zip file with a PDF, PNG and SVG file included. Unzip the file to use.
Cute baby themed free svg files-
And now let’s check out what everyone else was working on this month. So many cute ideas here.
Cute baby themed free svg files
adorable ideas for creating fun baby themed onesies and baby shower gifts. Cute baby shower themed free svg files to use for creating!
Baby boy or Baby girl cake topper
basket random says
This shirt looks so cute. I wanna do it at home now.
These SVG files are absolutely adorable! I can’t wait to use them for my baby’s room decor. Thank you for sharing such cute designs!
These baby-themed SVG files are absolutely adorable! I can’t wait to use them for my next crafting project. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful resource!