inside: check out this fun list of free doll clothes patterns for baby dolls. Clothes, diapers and baby doll accessories to sew and make play time more fun.
Over the years I’ve sewn a few doll outfits for my daughters dolls. I love using and creating free doll clothes patterns and have sewn several for baby dolls. Not I will clarify, these patterns here today are for baby dolls, not American Girl type dolls. That’s a whole other list of patterns!
This list of free doll clothes patterns is for 15″ ish baby dolls. There are diapers, blankets, carriers and clothes options for sewing listed here.
Free doll clothes patterns –
Have you tried and free baby doll clothes sewing patterns? I’d love to add to this list of you have baby doll patterns to share with me. Here are some of the free printable doll patterns that I have created over the years.
Paper bag style skirt for baby dolls, girls and women.

Free Pjs for Baby Dolls – Printable Pattern
Free baby doll pattern skirt pattern
So cute right? Baby doll clothes and accessories are great scrap busters and don’t take much fabric. They can actually be pretty easy to sew too. I made three baby doll diapers in under an hour over the weekend. It’s so fun and satisfying to create tiny baby doll items.
I was sewing the diapers to send to my niece. She is about to become a big sister {here are the sibling shirts I made for them} Her parents are giving her a doll when her baby brother is born, so of course she needs some diapers too.
Fun Baby Dolls for kids –
Need a baby doll to sew for? Here are some we have sewn for in the past.
FREE Baby Doll Patterns to sew-
Take a look at all these fun patterns and try out the ones that will work for you.
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