inside: learn tips for how to turn thin fabric tubes with these simple tips and tricks.
Do you struggle with turning skinny fabric strips this is the post for you. Don’t worry I still have some fights with my fabric, but with a few simple tips turning fabric strips isn’t as bad as I think it will be when I actually site down and make it happen. Here you will find some tips as well as some tools to make this process easier.

**post republished from 2020**
How to turn thin fabric tubes –
The ties above were created for my Christmas tree skirt {pattern here} They were 1.5″ wide and about 18″ long. I know that there are certain clothing items have even skinnier straps, but you can use the tips here for any thin fabric tube.
Now you can buy many tools for this very purpose – here are several from Amazon you can check out.
You will see in the photos here I didn’t use any of those tools {nothing against them!} But I like to use a thin knitting needle or a metal shish kebob skewer. These are my at home go to turning tools. If you don’t have either of these in your home I would say purchasing one of the turning tools is cheaper than buying knitting needles or kebab sticks {haha}
Once you have your fabric ready and turning tool handy. Sew the fabric as directed in the pattern or tutorial that you are using.
Tip #1 –
Sew one of the short ends of the fabric tube closed
When one of the short ends is sewn closed it will help you to push the the sewn end through.
Tip #2 –
Clip the corner before you turn for sharper points if the end will be seen.
Getting started is the tricky part. You need to create a small divot in the sewn bottom of the tube {shown above} You need the bottom of the tube to have a dimple and then you push your turning stick into it. Use the sharp end of your tool to poke up in the bottom to begin the turn.
Push the sewn end up through the center until it comes out the other end. Before you complete the turn – poke out the corners {again only if it will be exposed}
Tip 3 –
Poke out the corners of the sewn end only if it will be exposed in your project.
Once you can see the right side of the fabric coming through you can just pull through with your hands or continue to push over the needle.
There you have it! Thin tubes turned every time. If you are having trouble getting the turning started {on the sewn short end} maybe one of the tools that actually grabs the end will work better for you.
Other Basic Sewing Tutorials
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