Elizabeth was a beautiful princess. She lived in a castle and had expensive princess clothes. She was going to marry a prince named Ronald.
Unfortunately, a dragon smashed her castle, burnt all her clothes with his fiery breath, and carried off Prince Ronald.
Elizabeth decides she will chase the dragon and rescue Ronald. The only thing she can find to wear, is a paper bag, so she dons her new outfit and sets off to find Ronald.
It doesn’t take Elizabeth long to find the dragon. Instead of trying to overcome the beast with brute strength, she uses her intelligence and outsmarts him instead.
- the title of the book
- the colours in the book
- the character, Princess Elizabeth
- the underlying theme of the book
‘Elizabeth, you are a mess! You smell like ashes, your hair is tangled and you are wearing a dirty old paper bag. Come bag when you are dressed like a real princess.
Elizabeth replies…
‘Your clothes are really pretty and your hair is very neat. You look like a real prince, but you are a toad.’
Needless to say, they didn’t get married.
- Ten Read-Aloud Commandments, Mem Fox
- Encouraging Children to Read, Paul Jennings
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amy mayen says
Oh my gosh, I haven’t read that book but it seems like such a good one! Pam, your stuff is always amazing, but wow! This skirt is so adorable! I’m in love with it! Take it as a compliment if I copy it!! Swoon….
Chelsea B. says
This is one of my FAVORITE books! We did the “play” in elementary school using this book and I have loved it ever since. I love this outfit. So adorable and perfect for the book.
Annie says
That is a pretty dress, and very fit for an active little princess! I love the color and fabric, you have done a beautiful job as always!
I did not know about this book, but definitely it is a book I will read to my daughter. I love brave princesses!
Olga Becker says
Oh mine, that’s my most favorite children’s book EVER. I love it! You did a great job with the outfit, fits the spirit of the Princess. 🙂
Mel@Mellywood's Mansion says
I LOVE it! What a great ending too lol. I’m also a big Paul Jennings and Mem Fox fan we have loads of their books. However I haven’t heard of Robert Munsch going to look for this book. Great outfit and it sounds like an awesome book for little girls. Emily again this series is fantastic, Pam did a great job.
Mie Brindle says
Pam this outfit is so cute. Love the colors and that skirt fabric – wow! And great photos too!
Jenya @ While she was sleeping says
Pam, what a wonderful and funny story, and what a gorgeous outfit! Love the skirt, love the leggings. The fabric you used for the skirt is just magical 🙂 Well done!!!
Diya says
So cute !!This is my first visit to your blog from Pam’s blog. I too have a Similar series called Sew Book Inspired on my blog..Nice to meet a person with similar interests , following you via bloglovin. Visit me if you find time here.
Ashley says
ahhh how adorable!!!
BeBetsy says
We totally love your blog – it’s full of life and great stuff! So glad we found you.
Thanks so much for linking up with BeBetsy Brag About It. ♥ And we hope to see you next week.
Best to you,
Sharon and Denise
Cindy says
Such a pretty outfit, Pam! I love the colors and how play friendly it is while still being super cute.:)
Danya atDanyaBanya says
I love this book – I only borrowed it from the library a few weeks ago! Such a great character to base this wonderful outfit on. I love the orange. Actually I love everything about this outfit. Well done Pam!
Jessica @ Sunny Stitching says
What a great outfit! I love your inspiration and we’ll definitely have to check that book out of the library soon.
Tori Grant says
I love this idea. The outfit turned out too cute! You are featured this week at Tell Me Tuesday:) Have a great week!