This was originally a guest post on One Artsy Mama… but I made these for the boys party, so I am re-posting this today.
For the final Olympic Party post, I have a cool tutorial to share with you. I know that the Olympics are over… but I think kids would like a GOLD MEDAL anytime! I made 25 of these medals and handed them out at the party as favors. Several parents made comments to me later how their son/daughter had worn it all day after the party. So fun!
My inspiration for this is my three year old son.(now four year old!) He LOVES to win…. doesn’t matter if he actually does win, he will say he is the winner. If I want him to do something, I just make it a race against his little brother (who is easy to beat!) and he gets it done. I probably hear, “I’m the winner.” “I’m the fastest” “I’m was first” a million times a day. So…. in honor of Jack AND the Olympics (which I am obsessed with!) today I am sharing how to make you very own gold medal!
Now EVERY kid can be a winner!
First, gather your supplies. I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up round wooded discs ( I was hoping to find a pack, but had to buy them separate), gold spray paint ( I used a weekly internet 40% coupon!), beading wire, a black marker, and ribbon (which happened to be half off that day, score!) We drilled small holes at the top of each disc, peeled off the labels and sprayed both sides gold. I sprayed two coats on each side.
Next, cut your ribbon. I cut approx. 25 inches for each. Sew with right sides together at an angle on the bottom. Press open. Fold a thin wire in half (about 8 inches long, 4 when folded), thread through the hole, and twist to secure. Write you message on one (or both) sides. I wrote, “You are GOLD.” on all of mine.
Now to attach the disc to the ribbon… Turn both the ribbon and the gold disc to the back side and hold the ribbon ends up. Spread the wire and put one side on either side of the seam. I folded the wire over so it wouldn’t stick out and used hot glue to hold the wire to the ribbon and the ribbon to itself. When you have both sides glued, trim any extra ribbon and you are finished!
And now you are ready for our family favorite saying… “Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!”
Thanks for joining me for Olympic week!
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Xander Lawson says
Pretty nifty idea to make our kids feel like winners. It would be better if we could melt gold bars for our kids, but we make do with what we have I guess.