inside: Check out this fun sewing hack to add a zipper to a sweatshirt. Now everyone likes a pullover hoodie, hack your favorite hoodie by adding a zipper.

My oldest loves hoodies and my middle can’t stand anything going over his head. This doesn’t work well for hand me downs! I need the younger to wear his older brother’s sweatshirts and I’ve been working on this zipper hack for awhile. It takes a bit of practice, but today I’m sharing my tutorial for how to add a zipper to a sweatshirt.
Hoodie Hack – Zipper
The tricky part of this hack is the top of the zipper where it meets the hood. I “think” that I’ve finally figured out a good method, but please let me know if you have suggestions, issues or need help!
Don’t have a sweatshirt to hack? Here are some hoodie sewing patterns you can make:
Here is the sweatshirt I will be hacking in today’s tutorial.
How to put a zipper in a sweatshirt
- Separating zipper {this pack of 10 is a great deal!!}
- CLIPS {SO much easier than pins!!}
- The hoodie you want to hack
- A scrap of sweatshirt or other thicker fabric that matches.
I found this scrap of sweatshirt fleece that matched my top pretty well. You can use any fabric for this, just remember if will be at the neck so something comfy.
Mark and cut the center of the sweatshirt. Sometimes my son complains that cutting really does ruin the pockets {they are small} but he won’t wear it as a pullover, so I say tough luck {haha}
With the right side of the zipper face down, line up the edge of the zipper with the raw left edge of the top. Clip in place. The bottom of the zipper should line up with the bottom of the sweatshirt and we will trim the top later.
Cut the scrap of sweatshirt fabric to 2 x 3′. Fold the long sides together, then with the raw edges facing in and up wrap the top of the zipper where the raw cut edge meets the hood.
Curve the zipper and fabric in towards the center {this will finish the raw edges}. Fold the other side of the fabric stopper over.
Fold the tab over towards the middle. Make sure the raw edge of the zipper stop extends UP past the cut edge of the hoodie and is curved over enough to finish the raw edge.
It’s hard to put in words, but I took a bunch of photos, so hopefully these will help fill in any gaps in my explanation.
Trim a bit of the fabric zipper top if needed.
Stitch with a zipper foot from the top down. Make sure to catch all the raw edges of the zipper top when sewing.
The layers get a bit thick in spots so use a heavy duty needle if needed and sew slow.
You should be able to fold the zipper back and get a clean top edge like this.
Repeat these steps on the other side. Separate the zipper before sewing. Make sure the bottom and the top line up when zipped.
Top-stitch the zipper stoppers at the neckline. I made little boxes. This keeps the fabric from flipping back out and holds all the layers in place. Also, top-stitch down the side of both zipper edges to hold it all in place and keep it folded back.
My boxes aren’t perfect! I probably should have picked out the right side and made it a bit smaller, but it’s for a 9 year old so it’s hard for me to want it to be perfect {haha}
I just top-stitched with a straight stitch for both parts and used a heavy duty needle.
Now you can wear that sweatshirt you always wanted too, but didn’t like pulling over you head!
How to add a zipper to a sweatshirt
sewing hack to add a zipper to a pullover hoodie.
- Separating zipper {this pack of 10 is a great deal!!}
- CLIPS {SO much easier than pins!!}
- The hoodie you want to hack
- A scrap of sweatshirt or other thicker fabric that matches.
- Sewing Machine
- zipper foot
- Sewing clips
- Cut your pullover sweatshirt down the center. Do not cut the hood.
- With right sides together pin one side of the zipper to the left side of the hoodie. clip in place
- cut a scrap of fabric 2" x 3" and fold twice to create a zipper stop.
- use this to cover the top of the zipper and finish the raw edge of the fabric.
- Sew the zipper in place with a zipper foot, careful to curve the top end of the zipper.
- Repeat on the other side {check that it all lines up before you sew}
- Trim and top-stitch the zipper stops in place at neckline.
- Top-stitch down the side of the zipper.
You can pin this image to remember where to find this handy sewing tutorial for adding a zipper.
sue kelly says
Why not just unpick the first couple of inches where the hood is attached then add the zipper as usual utilising the smallest possible seam allowance? Then include a little tuck in the fabric when re-attaching the hood. You can always add a placket to hide the back of the zip if you like.
Lorraine says
For the 2′”x 3″ scrap piece, you can cut that out of the back of the inside of one of the pockets so that your scrap piece will match the shirt color. Merely patch some other piece of sweatshirt to fill that open spot. No one will ever know you stole a piece unless they peek inside the shirt! Sneaky! Sneaky!
Diane Varney says
Thanks – very handy to know. Will try it out soon.🤞🤞
Renee Parson says
Would really like to find someone who can put a zipper in a hoodie. My husband wears hearing aids and pullovers tend to mess with the hearing aids. He likes this particular jacket but it needs a zipper. I am most definitely not a sewer! If you have any suggestions, please let us know.
Thank you.
Renee Parson