Make your own potty training pants –
Update… it’s been many many years since I wrote this and I am happy to report that these DIY potty training underwear worked great! They did not keep my boys fully dry, but it prevented puddles on the floor. Thankfully all three of my kids were pretty much trained after a week of intensive work, and we didn’t go out a ton during that week. These diy potty training undies not only lasted through my two boys, but were borrowed by a friend for her two boys. {not sure if that is TMI for you or not, haha} Totally worth the pack of undies and diapers I already had on hand to use.
Amy says
Let me know how this goes. I’m not looking forward to potty training.
Kyle and Sarah says
that is a great idea. i hope it goes well!
Nina says
What an awesome idea!!!
Ashley @ Eva's says
Great idea! May have to try this!
Pamela says
They would make great rags when done with them