Inside: A great list of free SVG files for teachers. Use this fun list of cute files to create teacher themed crafts and DIY projects.

I’m excited to once again be teaming up with my svg group to bring you this list of free svg files for teachers. I know that school looks really different this fall for a lot of people, but teachers are still teachers even online or if parents are teaching. We can all enjoy a good teacher quote. Hopefully you can find something on this list to inspire you to be creative.
Free SVG files for teachers
Look at all those fun projects. Super sweet right? My kids actually went off to school today, so as I’m writing this they are away for the day for the first time since mid-March.. Whew! I can’t wait to pick them up and hear all about it.
You can find all our other great lists of free cut files on my Scan N Cut and SVG file page.
Teach Love Inspire Cut File
I really feel that over the years my kids have been blessed with teachers that not only teach, but also love and inspire so my contribution is this teach, love, inspire svg.
I think this file could make a great gift to a teacher friend or teacher of your child. It’s perfect for mugs, planners, and shirts. The cut zip below has a SVG, PNG and PDF file all included in the folder. Just download, unzip and then you are ready to use the file version that works for you.
And now that you grabbed the free file that I created here are links to all the other amazing free teacher files this month.
- Teachers Can Do Virtually Anything from Leap Of Faith Crafting
- Teacher Strong from That’s What Che Said
- Coffee Teach Repeat from Hello Creative Family
- I’m A Teacher What’s Your Super Power from The Girl Creative
- Teach Love Inspire from Life Sew Savory
- Real Heroes Don’t Wear Capes They Teach from Happy Go Lucky
- The Influence of a Good Teacher Can Never Be Erased from Kelly Leigh Creates
- Teachers Have Class from Artsy Fartsy Mama
- Teachers ROCK from Liz on Call
- First Grade Teacher from Brooklyn Berry Designs
- Teaching is Heart Work from We Can Make That!
- I’m Not Like a Regular Teacher. I’m a Cool Teacher. from Persia Lou
- Dedicated Teacher Even From A Distance from Everyday Party Magazine
- Keep Calm and Homeschool On from Mom Of 5 Trying To Survive
Emma says
Hi, Emily!
I am Emma, from Romania and I really appreciate what you’re doing here. This website of yours is full of wonders that I have not yet had time to explore. The fact that I find free patterns, tutorials and tips here helps me a lot in the activity I just started. Reading here about you and your family, seeing your pictures, I feel like I know you and I would really like to know you personally.
Congratulations, you are special!
Thanks a lot!