Happy Friday! It’s free pattern day with this Shirt Dress with Free Pattern for babies and toddlers… I just LOVE it.
So awhile ago I saw this photo of a shirt dress floating around Pinterest, but the instructions were vague and there wasn’t a template or pattern to go with it… so I’ve created one! This peasant style Daddy’s shirt dress with free pattern is in sizes 12m-5t and SO easy to make.
Daddy’s Shirt Dress with Free Pattern
You’ll find the free pattern on the 2nd page, but for now let’s just check out some adorable photos of this dress. I used my husbands shirt and his 16/16.5 size shirt made this 3T, but I used the WHOLE WIDTH… so it would have made 3t or smaller. If you want to make the larger sizes you will need bigger shirts! I can’t wait to check out a thrift store to find bigger ones!
The button front and hem are original from the dress shirt. This was a white shirt with a stain in the pocket, so my husband gave it to me {haha} I dyed it pink, and that cute little button detail near the top? That’s covering up the pocket stain. I moved the pocket down to the bottom of the dress.
The back has a slightly long hem, just like the original shirt…
Up close with the button detail. I used the buttons of the top of the shirt and the sleeves for this. Okay – so now you can make one too!! Head to the second page and get sewing.
You can click through to the second page on the picture below to download the Shirt Dress with Free Pattern and the photo tutorial for putting it all together.
Free PDF Sewing Pattern and Tutorial –
Okay, let’s get started you can download the pattern by clicking below..
Dress Sewing Tutorial –
You will need 1 mens dress shirt and some 1/4 or 1/3″ elastic… The 3T and smaller can be made from a 16/16.5 men’s shirt. If you want to make the 4 or 5t you will need to find bigger shirts…
Elastic: 12M – 14.5″ , 18M – 15″, 2T – 16″, 3T 17″, 4T – 18″, 5T – 19″ you can adjust as needed.
Use this size chart to determine which size to make.
Tape the pattern together. It will look like this..
The pocket will be in the way of the smaller sizes neckline. So unpick the pocket to move or just leave off.
Here’s the pen stain my husband didnt’ like. When it was white you could see it really well. After I dyed the shirt it was a bit better, but with the pocket off you can really see it.
Lay the dress shirt out flat. I left the back longer than the front. If you want you can line up the bottom front and back before cutting. My template paper wasn’t long enough so it’s several inches from the bottom. The pattern included it set to about knee length for girls, but you can measure and adjust the length before you cut the shirt. The button placket should be in the CENTER of the template.
Start by sewing the shoulder seams with the right sides of the shirt together.
If the neckline is near a button, remove it.
Finish the neckline with a zig-zag or serger. Your neckline will look a little bit different.. I learned from my mistakes and added a better shape seam allowance for the elastic casing!
Fold over about 1/2″ or enough for your elastic to go through. Pin and stitch around the neck. Leave a 2″ opening to thread the elastic.
Thread the elastic through {see top of tutorial for cutting length}. Secure the elastic ends together and close the hole. The front button placket will not gather.
Put the pocket back on near the bottom if you like.
Add button details near the neck if you want… use buttons from the top fo shirt and sleeves.
If you left the back of the shirt longer than the front you will have to adjust the side. Cut the back of the shirt at a curve to meet the front.
Finish the cut edge.
With right sides together sew the side seams and finish the sleeve edge with a zig-zag or serger.
Hem the sleeve or create a casing for elastic. You can measure your girls’ arm for elastic length if adding elastic on the sleeves.. I didn’t here, but probably will try my next one. And that’s it!! YOU DID IT! An adorable summer dress in about 30 min!
Here’s one more link to grab the shirt dress with free pattern.
Here are some other free dress sewing patterns you may enjoy –
Girl and Doll Circle Dress Pattern –
Sweet Rose Dress
Zuzannah Leonska-Baker says
Very pretty dress and a lovely lady modelling it!
Beth Dewey says
This is so adorable! My daughter is 24 so I am using her Dad’s shirt to make a sleeveless top.
Vandra says
I’m so happy you’ve posted a FREE pattern “daddy’s shirt/little girl’s dress.
Rachel Carpenter says
I downloaded the pattern from Craftsy and followed the link to this page for the instructions, but the link to the second page doesn’t seem to work. 🙁
Emily says
I just clicked through and it worked for me… here is the second page: http://lifesewsavory.com/2017/04/shirt-dress-with-free-pattern.html/2
Mary Alice says
Thanks so much for publishing this pattern. I made three dresses using it this past week for my granddaughter. I used shirts that belonged to her great grandfather, so these are very special dresses.
Stephanie says
THANK you so much. This pattern is fabulous! I tried making a similar shirt dress by tracing a toddler dress and it was a disaster! This was so easy and helpful!
Rebecca says
Thanks so much for sharing this pattern. My daughter is 20 months old.I will use her Dad’s shirt to make a sleeveless top.
Penny Graham says
One quick question as I am new to sewing – When you put the elastic in the neck and you say attach the two ends, you end up having to put the dress on the child over their head, correct? You open the buttons and slip it over their head as the button placket is closed. Am I understanding this correctly?
Emily says
The dress will just slip over the head. The buttons are no longet usable.